
Investing sustainably for employee mental health

Psychological health issues affect many Canadians and have an impact on key aspects of working life, such as productivity, collaboration and job satisfaction. As employers, it's essential to recognise these challenges and encourage a supportive environment. By implementing wellbeing initiatives, you can not only improve your employees' quality of life, but also strengthen their commitment and contribution to the company's success.

Objectives :

The main aim of the PRÉVENIR programme is to counter burnout among workers by enabling them to take part in creative and fun activities. The tools used address the need for balance, releasing tension and increasing energy among participants.

Program content

The programme reduces stress in a number of ways:

By distraction – The programme helps participants to take their minds off their stressors.

Immersion – The state of being totally involved in expression has a number of benefits (relaxation, play, stimulation of creativity).

By self-care – Body awareness and the pleasure of creating restore balance in all areas of life.

Through self-therapy – Expressing emotions through art relieves and helps to manage stress by expressing related feelings.


A choice of several types of art therapy workshops are available

Groups of ideally 10 people
Cost: $500 per workshop, materials included
Duration: 2 hours

For more information and to register for the youth workshops, contact us at 514-843-5658 or by email at

Art therapy is a process that helps to manage stress, increase energy and learn to better find harmony. The participant can approach the same type of problem there as in a conventional therapy. However, he engages in the process by creating a work while talking with the therapist.

The end goal of this workshop is to manage complex situations while facilitating communication and creative activity in order to increase self-confidence, concentration and positive feelings.

Number of attendees: 10

Duration: 2 hours/week

When: information to come


This activity is characterized by the use of theater as a therapeutic, preventive or personal development process. From a perspective of knowing oneself and one’s various relationships with others, this workshop offers an exploration of one’s repertoire of roles (parents, employee, colleague, friend, etc.) and the functions and values they represent in us in order to to promote a better balance between them.

This fun method is based on a humanist framework that encourages respect for people and their specific difficulties.

Number of attendees: 10

Duration: 2 hours/week

When: information to come


The rhythms and sounds activity with interactive percussion helps unite participants, develop listening skills, concentration and self-confidence. We can see the evolution and the benefits of this activity by the ability of each to raise their level of memorization and coordination.

Finally, playing together promotes group unity by promoting common energy, in a fun and non-competitive atmosphere.

Number of attendees: 10

Duration: 2 hours/week

When: information to come



CAP prepares each year in May, its event entitled “moi m'aime, one hundred self-portraits”.
An art exhibition that brings together 100 self-portraits of celebrities who are the pride of Montreal's cultural scene. We want to do everything we can to ensure the success of this flagship activity for the artistic community, which will bring together around a hundred artists and personalities from the business community. It is in this regard that we are asking for your generous support as a major sponsor of the evening.

We therefore suggest that you become a major sponsor.

By participating in this activity you will be a pioneer who considers the healthy mental health of his workers or collaborators as an important value that must be promoted.
We hope to be able to count on your generosity and we will make it a point of honor to highlight your contribution in all our media.